Gratis ASHA-kurser!

ASHA tilbyder gratis on-line-kurser til både medlemmer og ikke-medlemmer i august og september – what’s not to like?!

Hvis du vil se de aktuelle kurser i august og september 2016, kan du klikke på mit skærmdump nedenfor, så kommer du ind på ASHAs hjemmeside.

Udklip 1

Hvis du ikke gider kigge på alle kurserne, kan du nøjes med at klikke på et eller flere af de nedenstående links. Der er ét kursus om afasi, der udløber med udgangen af august måned, og så er der 4 kurser, der udløber med udgangen af september. De kurser, der tilbydes lige nu, handler om:

Selv tænker jeg, at jeg skal kigge på kurset om early intervention. Helt i tråd med vanlig amerikansk PR står der om kurset:

“Why you’ll love it: You’ll walk away knowing how to implement characteristics of the coaching interaction style with parents of children receiving early intervention services.”

Og om selve kurset:

“Early intervention supports a child and his or her family by promoting the child’s learning and development within the context of the family’s everyday routines. One crucial piece in successful early intervention is building the family’s capacity to engage in activities that foster communication development in the child. In this course, Dathan Rush will provide the purpose, rationale, and protocol for coaching parents of young children in natural learning environments to foster speech and language development. Using video analysis and discussion, the course will demonstrate how to implement the five evidence-based characteristics of the coaching interaction style with parents of children receiving early intervention services. You’ll walk away with tools for implementing coaching strategies with families on your caseload.

After completing this session, you will be able to:

  • explain how SLPs may use coaching interaction style when working with families in early intervention
  • identify the five evidence-based characteristics of coaching interaction style
  • select natural learning opportunities with families to serve as the context for early intervention”

Videoen varer ½ time, så det er lige til at overkomme!


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