Sagaen om den logopædiske skammel

…  eller CPLOLs Minimum Standards for Education som tegneserie. Originalen er her: (

CPLOL opregner 4 teoretiske områder i sit “curriculum for Speech and language therapy”. For selv at ku hitte rede i dem har jeg opfundet ‘sagaen om den logopædiske skammel’ (der retteligt er en taburet …).

Skamlen har følgende 4 ben:

Biomedical sciences
Study in this area must include theoretical knowledge of: biological bases of language and speech; anatomy and physiology; physics of speech and acoustics; clinical medical sciences such as neurology, ENT, paediatrics, geriatrics, psychiatry, orthodontics, audiology, foniatrics, genetics and investigation techniques.

Language sciences
Study in this area must include linguistics (phonetics/phonology, semantics, lexicon, morphology/syntax and pragmatics), psycholinguistics, neurolinguistics, sociolinguistics and multilingualism.

Behavioural sciences
The study of behavioural sciences must include the following disciplines: psychology (developmental, clinical, cognitive, and social), neuropsychology, education and sociology.

Research skills
Scientific research methodology should be present throughout the programme of study. These skills must include the following theoretical aspects: research methodology and the application of quantitative and qualitative methodology; practical work in observation, data collection, transcription, measurement, analysis and application of new information and reporting. The students must have knowledge of the availability and use of treatment efficacy and effectiveness research and evidence based practices in communication sciences and disorders. The students should be able to access information from national and international scientific publications.

Til at samle benene på skamlen skal der et femte område til:

Public Health
The study of public health must include knowledge of prevention, communicative interactions, health and safety issues, (inter) national health system and organisation, and roles of other professionals.

Når vi så er kommet SÅ langt, kan vi sætte skamlens sæde på:

Speech and language pathology
The study of speech and language pathology must include the following: developmental and acquired speech and language disorders including aphasia, motor speech disorders, voice disorders, fluency disorders, feeding-swallowing disorders, disorders of reading and writing, craniofacial malformations, learning disabilities, autistic spectrum disorders, emotional behavioural communication disorders, neurodegenerative disorders, augmentative and alternative communication and hearing impairment.

Og hvad er det så, vi ka/ska bruge skamlen til?

Mja. Så vidt jeg kan se, er det, der gør en logopæd til en logopæd, at hun har en skammel bestående af de 4 (dvs. 5) redskabsfag, som hun ka anbringe sin logopædi ovenpå. Så hvis vi vil uddanne logopæder, ska vi sørge for, at de logopædistuderende blir udstyret med en solid skammel med 4 ben og tværpinde OG en masse logopædisk viden.


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